Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let me hear what matters most to you about Troy

I routinely find myself in various venues throughout the community serving different roles while there. I started and still spend the majority of my volunteer time working on neighborhood “stuff” with a neighborhood group I helped create and organize in Lansingburgh. Everyone I come into contact with in the community has a different take on what matters mean most to them. Issues from the north may not be the same to the south, east, or west.

I’d like to open the communication channels and hear what the readers of the Troy Record and my blog have to say; let the thoughts on your mind flow. Tell me what you believe matters most in Troy, how would you get from point A to point B on the issues that our City faces today or in the future. This is one area that a lot of us continue to work hard at, getting our friends, family, and neighbors more engaged in the community they live in. Got a tip or a general comment, let me hear it. All constructive thoughts and ideas will be utilized to improve our surroundings. And please keep it constructive, no personal attacks or slander, this accomplishes nothing. If you do not feel comfortable leaving your thoughts as a comment, you may email them to me at

Thanks for participating.

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