With every passing day you can feel the sense of excitement growing about the opening of the new Dinosaur BBQ in downtown Troy. The recent series of articles by Tom Ca

prood in the Troy Record did an outstanding job detailing not just who Dinosaur is, but it also detailed the tremendously positive economic impact the restaurant continues to have in their three other locations; Syracuse, Rochester, and Harlem. And after having eaten their food I can see why. Most recently was during the Wing Wars fund-raiser for St. Jude’s at the Franklin Terrace, previous to that was during the Troy Pig Out and Victorian Stroll and after each time I was left looking for more. Unfortunately (or

fortunately depending on your point of view), when the doors open for business on River Street the line of hardcore Dino patrons and Dino newcomers will line up and down the Hudson and you thought the traffic at the Latham Krispy Kreme was impressive.

This is the excitement that has been missing for too long in Troy. I’m sure there are plenty of other positive developments still to come, but this is like the icing on the cake for what has been a long road to the rebirth of Troy. If you haven’t read the articles the links to them are below, as well as, links to the fan created Facebook pages.
Story 1Story 2Story 3Story 4 Facebook - People who want Dinosaur BBQ to come to Troy, NYFacebook - Dinosaur Bar-b-que in Troy
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