The North Lansingburgh Neighborhood Watch will be holding their second annual “Neighborhood Children’s Safety Day” this coming Saturday, June 19th at Powers Park in Lansingburgh with the support of the Missing Link Street Ministry/ Feed-A-Kid Program and Pastor Willie Bacote during their bi-weekly flea market.
Several activates are scheduled to educate children and their parents on how to live and play safely. Members of the neighborhood group will be joined by the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department, Troy Police and Fire Departments, Whitney Young Health Services, and the Troy Family YMCA.
Last year we had over 60 children participate in the program. The timing of this event is intended to coincide with the beginning of school districts summer vacation. Our goal is to provide the children of the community one last refresher course on how to live and play safely. During the course of the summer they will be out playing, riding bikes, or in some cases, home alone and we need to do our job to ensure the kids know how to prevent an emergency from happening and understand the right steps to take in the event one does.
Each participating agency will present specific information to educate and bring awareness on how to prevent and deal with the everyday occurrences that children may encounter.
- The Sheriff’s Department will be conducting the state-wide initiative - Operation SAFE CHILD, which was created to raise awareness about child safety. The program will provide photo ID cards, which contain fingerprint and biographical data, to individuals under the age of 18. The goal of this program is to record and store the fingerprints, basic biographical information and photographs of children, who are not missing, information critical to expediting the return of a missing child.
- The Troy Fire Department will be educating attendees on the best fire prevention practices, how to react in the event of a fire, and how to prevent common playground injuries. Children will also enjoy the opportunity of “touring” a Troy Fire Engine.
- The Troy Police Department will be conducting a bike safety program and will be distributing a limited number of bike helmets on a first come first serve basis.
- Members of Whitney Young Heath Center’s Troy practice will be discussing the preventive dental and medical services they offer locally.
- The Troy Family YMCA discussing the summer, youth & teen programs, camps and other activities offered throughout the year at their facility.
“Summer is here and better weather means more opportunities to get out and play. It also means kids need to be more aware of safety tips when they’re playing, like wearing a helmet when riding your bike,” said Mayor Harry Tutunjian. “Safe communities are comprised of safe kids and it’s good to see our neighborhood associations like the North Lansingburgh Neighborhood Watch take the lead on issues like this.”
Many of the local public service agencies have outreach programs geared to educate people on specific information We have the finest public safety agencies and youth programs available locally and having them participate in this program once again will prove to be a great benefit to the children and parents of our community.
For more information please contact Jim Gordon, 365-2270 or email jgordon003@nycap.rr.com.
Who: North Lansingburgh Neighborhood Watch
What: 2nd Annual Neighborhood Children’s Safety Day Where: Powers Park, Third Avenue side between 110th and 111th Street, Troy NY
When: Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:00 - 1:30pm
Photos from last years Safety Day...

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