One of everyone's favorite summer past times is spending time in and around water. Obviously, Upstate NY offers a variety of options for everyone; beaches, lakes, rivers, ponds, and we're not too far from the ocean. One of my favorite things to do is relax and cookout by the water and enjoy a nice boat ride. If this is something that you enjoy as well, I would encourage you to set sail and lower anchor at the Troy Motor Boat and Canoe Club this Saturday for their Annual Steak Roast.
The "Boat Club" has been in existence since 1910 and overlooks the Hudson River in Lansingburgh. Located at 763 1st Ave the Boat Club offers commercial marine dock space, a rental hall, full bar, and weekly take-out dinners. With many special events happening throughout year, the club has long been a favorite watering hole for those in and around the Capital Region and the occasional water way traveler.
The Annual Steak Roast Party is sure to be a great time. Dinner will be served at 6pm on July 3rd and is $12 per person. There will even be fireworks at dusk. Stop by anytime! For more information or to reserve your steak please call 470-2929 and for more information on the Boat Club and their upcoming events visit www.troyboatclub.com
River side Boat club is simply gorgeous. It organizes various functions and events to make people to socialize with each other and enjoy events by making it a remarkable.